Hats off to the book, Sensational Knitted Socks. I finished the Purled Ladder socks, using Jawoll Lang superwash, navy blue. Washed and blocked.
50% fine grade merino wool50% chinese tussah silk5,040 yards per poundThis yarn is sold in 2 ounce hand wound ball increments. Each ball has 630 yds. average triangular shawl takes about 4 oz. Dry clean or hand wash
Also finished is a lace scarf that I started quite a while back. I hadn't quite decided whether I was keeping this one for myself or giving it away and I have decided. As you can see by the next few pictures that I am blocking the scarf. I bought these blocks on ebay for $4.50 plus a little shipping. Well worth the cost. It's a great movable blocking board.
Of course, it helps to have a huge island that I can lay it on to block. I think I have enough pins in it. The towel helps hold the shape a little too.
50% fine grade merino wool50% chinese tussah silk5,040 yards per poundThis yarn is sold in 2 ounce hand wound ball increments. Each ball has 630 yds. average triangular shawl takes about 4 oz. Dry clean or hand wash