Yep, that's all it was doing, spittin'. It was fun to see though. If you stayed outside long enough it looked like you had dandruff on your shoulders. As my DH likes to say, "it's cold as a witch's titty out there". Now how he knows how cold a witch's titty is I have no idea, but he loves to say that and the funny part is I know what he means.
Our new heat pump/AC that we HAD to buy this summer is working great. It's keeping us toasty and since they re-routed some of the ducts under the house, it's a much more even heat throughout the house, so we're good! I have a stocked pantry so if we were to get snowed in, it's all good!
A dear friend of mine in Atlanta FINALLY had her baby, a week late. We knew it was a girl but the name was being kept secret until she arrived. They have named her Anna. I have a special package being mailed on Monday to the new mom. The sweater I had made last year but held on to it until I could give it to someone special. I just added the buttons and I love them. The yarn color is a beautiful salmon color but it's hard to get that color to come out on the pics. The hat and booties I made this week with Sirdar Flirt, a bamboo/wool combination.
I finally filed my unemployment application. I've never done that in my whole life, it was weird going through the process. Hopefully, it won't last too long after the first of the year.
Our new heat pump/AC that we HAD to buy this summer is working great. It's keeping us toasty and since they re-routed some of the ducts under the house, it's a much more even heat throughout the house, so we're good! I have a stocked pantry so if we were to get snowed in, it's all good!
A dear friend of mine in Atlanta FINALLY had her baby, a week late. We knew it was a girl but the name was being kept secret until she arrived. They have named her Anna. I have a special package being mailed on Monday to the new mom. The sweater I had made last year but held on to it until I could give it to someone special. I just added the buttons and I love them. The yarn color is a beautiful salmon color but it's hard to get that color to come out on the pics. The hat and booties I made this week with Sirdar Flirt, a bamboo/wool combination.
Saturday morning we must have had 50+ turkeys in the back. I took the picture through the window so it's a lilttle hard to see. I zoomed in on the groups separately because they were spread out into 3 different groups. I know we have a lot of turkeys out here, I've just never seen that many at one time. (need to click on the picture to make it bigger to see them better) Love it out here!!!!
I'm glad you had snow and hoping you get snowed in but don't loose electricity! :)
I was wondering what ever happened to that cute little sweater. I'm sure the new mom will be thrilled.