Grrrrr - such a slacker on blogging

OK, here I am, a couple days before year end, and I realize I've been a terrible blogger this year.  I've used my blog in the past as a way to keep up with my projects and it makes me smile to go back and read what I've done over the past year.  Well, this is kind of tough to do when you don't blog for MONTHS on end.  OK, my hands are sufficiently slapped.

Since I have a new year coming (2016), I can turn over a new leaf and remove all guilt from the past year.  I have been active on Instagram but that is no replacement for keeping up my blog.

Let me start by saying that we have been without TV since July 31st and it's been great.  We watch a DVD every now and then, but mostly we eat in quiet, or we might play a Colorku game, and then I'll knit or surf on the tablet or read. DH will usually read on the tablet.  So it's been more productive in that way.  I don't miss the crap on TV either. For those of you who don't know about Colorku, it's Sudoku with colored marbles rather than numbers.

I have all kinds of projects floating around in my mind. That includes knitting, spinning, weaving and some sewing. I need to sew some tops for the office because I really hate what is out there in the shops right now.

Spinning is kind of tough for me right now, especially using my spindles, because my right shoulder is killing me. I've been putting off going to the Doc, but I'm going to have to break down and do it, probably in January.  I've been trying to knit more portugese style as that puts less strain on my shoulder, but it doesn't work so well for me with smaller needles. Maybe I need to take a class at Haus to get better at it. It probably just needs more practice as in everything else. In addition, I've started doing that on projects already on the needles and knitting portugese changes my tension and therefore gauge.  But I sooooo want to do some spinning, so I'll be making an appointment with the Doc and get the bad news.

One of the projects I have not mentioned on the blog are my new kitchen curtains. I have a kitchen with 4 large windows that span across one wall that overlooks the front yard. It's a wonderful view and one I've probably posted here at some point over the last 9 years.  The windows have the same mini blinds that were on it when we bought the house. I have finally removed the ugly valance that was on it so the windows are bare, other than the blinds.  The front only gets direct morning light so I can keep my blinds open more during the day. My project for window coverings involve the Zoom Loom.  I am making woven Zoom Loom squares that I will connect lengthwise and attach them to the curtain rod individually in panels. Kind of hard to imagine with just words, so I'll see if I can come up with a picture. I'm using mostly all cream colored squares with some bursts of color.  per window, there will be 280 squares. So, I'll have 265 squares of cream, 5 squares each of red, blue and yellow. I've been designing in Excel as to where I want to put the colored squares. It's been fun playing around with that. :-) 

I have to go for now. More to come, I promise.


Happy New Year!

I've gotten away from blogging but have posted most of my finishes there. I'm coming out of my funk so I've had a needle in hand more frequently in the past couple of weeks. Looking forward to seeing more about your kitchen curtains. I hope the shoulder resolves itself easily and quickly!