My heart goes out to Minneapolis and to Iowa and other parts of the country bombarded with snow

Have I mentioned that I like living in the South? Other than the hot, sticky, humid summers, I really do appreciate living in the south, especially when you see what snow can do to parts of the country that seem to attract it.

Can you imagine the Metrodome roof collapsing? Did those engineers not realize that this stadium was being built in Minnaepolis? How could they not have designed that roof to be able to handle a mere 20 inches of snow or more for that matter? I mean seriously, it's Minneapolis!!!

We are getting some snow in middle Tennessee. They predicted 1-2 inches and we still have a 100% chance of snow (it's already almost 11 AM) and you can see what we have. I'm not thinking we'll get 1-2 inches, but the day isn't over yet.

UPDATED PICS at 12:30:

On to knitting: I've got the back done of the Patches Sweater. I first blogged about it here. I've finished the first strip of the front and moving on.

I've still got other projects on the needles and those are slogging along too.
Meanwhile, I'm enjoying my warm comfy house and watching it snow and doing a little knitting.
For those of you with bad weather, stay inside if at all possible and be safe.


I hadn't heard about the Metrodome. Minneapolis has really made some mistakes in recent years with engineering.

Your snow is beautiful! I hope you're all warm and cozy inside.
Kathy... said…
Hi there..... I'm in from shoveling the lovely white fluff. Yes, this is the weekend that my hubby's back went out on him, so I did the shoveling. We have a big snow blower, but I don't know how to use it and he says I don't have the strength to control it. So, I'm a shoveler. :) At least the Ragweed is dead, and Sofee's allergies are gone till next August. Gotta make lemonade...right??
LeAnn said…
I can't wait to see that sweater! Love the colors.